
Director’s Message

Hello and welcome to Reawakening Wellness Foundation, a non-profit residential therapeutic community that has been providing services in the field of mental health and rehabilitation through a holistic and therapeutic community approach for more than three decades.
I’m happy you’ve chosen to visit our website and learn more about our treatment programs. You may probably be aware of young, bright, intelligent, promising youngsters whose lives have suddenly been thrown off track due to mental illnesses such as issues with Alcohol, Drugs, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality disorder, etc. It is our experience at RWF, since its inception in 2019, that these youngsters can be rehabilitated through a process of education that involves teaching them to be aware of their thoughts and feelings and to take responsibility to find useful and healthy options to express the same.
These illnesses can also occur later, when, despite having all the required qualifications, the person breaks down when their coping mechanisms – the ability to deal with stress, both external and internal causes them to unconsciously “choose” to lose touch with reality. This, as you will understand, is a huge setback not only to the person but to the family as well. It is our sincere hope that we can help you, your friend, or your family member. Our approach offers mindfulness-based therapeutic skills and recovery-oriented treatment while living in the surrounding community.
With years of experience in helping people overcome their illnesses, I believe Reawakening Wellness leads the way in restoring hope, dignity, and self-respect to our clients and their families, empowering them with the skills to choose a healthy lifestyle.
I encourage you to read through our website and support us in our journey. Thank you.

Ravinder Chowdhury & Vaibhav khurana
